
Dan Petersen

Committed to going the extra mile and ensuring that all of your needs are successfully met in a professional and honest manner. For Service and Commitment, let me help guide you with your next purchase or sale.


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Consulting Services

General Consulting Services:

Almost always, people require information before they can make a decision. Certainly this is true in regards to decisions involving real estate.  I provide complimentary, confidential consulting services in the following areas:

  • Market value assessments and marketing strategies 
  • Real Estate Investment Strategies
  • Foreclosures and Judicial Sales
  • Local market dynamics and trends
  • First time home buyer orientations
  • Relocations

Paid consulting services are also available and can include: 

  • Written reports and affidavits of value for banks, financial institutions and bankruptcy proceedings
  • Formal market evaluations to facilitate divorce negotiations
  • Formal market evaluations for business or partnership agreements
  • Formal market evaluations for contextualizing municipal tax assessments

If you or someone you know requires any of these services, I encourage you to contact me to discuss how I can help. Fill out the contact request form below or call my phone directly.  I will respond to your request(s) as soon as possible.

Contact Form
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How can I help guide you through the largest financial transaction most people make.

  Home Evaluation

What's your home worth? Using market trends and comparables, let us find out!