
Dan Petersen

Committed to going the extra mile and ensuring that all of your needs are successfully met in a professional and honest manner. For Service and Commitment, let me help guide you with your next purchase or sale.


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Build Generational Wealth with Real Estate! 

Build Generational Wealth with Real Estate! 

Owning a home is a hallmark of the Canadian Dream as well as one of the best ways to build wealth.

Many younger generations, however, feel this is a dream out of reach. But what if there was a way you could help those in your family get on the ladder to homeownership?

By tapping into your equity and offering them a gift, loan, lease or trust to buy their own home can help them start creating their own generational wealth and a brighter future.

Dan Petersen⁠
Re/Max Action Realty LTD.⁠
(250) 262-7496


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