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Bigger B.C. Tax Credits May Land in Your Bank Account This Month

Bigger B.C. Tax Credits May Land in Your Bank Account This Month
A family with 2021 net adjusted income of less than $43,051 (or single people who reported less than $36,901) will receive an additional $164 per adult (from $48.38) and $41 per child (from $14.13).
The extra credit is gradually reduced to 0 once the income threshold reaches $150,051 for a family of two, or $79,376 for an individual (family thresholds move up and down with more or fewer children and are lowered for single parents).
85% of British Columbians will automatically receive a full or partial credit deposited in their bank accounts on January 13th, 2023.
Read More | Graeme Wood | Alaska Highway News


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