
Dan Petersen

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Bank of Canada Reduces Policy Rate by 25 Basis Points! 📉

Bank of Canada Reduces Policy Rate by 25 Basis Points! 📉

📌 For Homeowners: The Bank of Canada has reduced the target for the overnight rate to 4¾%. This means lower interest rates, making it an ideal time to consider refinancing your mortgage. Lower rates can significantly reduce your monthly payments and overall interest costs.

📌 For Aspiring Homeowners: Now is the perfect time to get pre-approved for a mortgage! With the rate reduction, you'll find more affordable borrowing options, making your dream home within reach. Let's get you connected with a mortgage broker to start the pre-approval process.

📌 For Investors: The easing of monetary policy can stimulate economic growth, making real estate investments more attractive. Lower borrowing costs enhance your ability to finance new investment properties and improve your portfolio's profitability.

Whether you're looking to refinance, get pre-approved, or expand your real estate investments, I'm here to help! Let me refer you to a trusted mortgage broker for your pre-approval or refinancing needs. Once you're pre-approved, I'd love to assist you in achieving your real estate goals.

🏡 Ready to Make a Move? Let's Talk! 📞 Contact Me Today! 

Dan Petersen⁠
Re/Max Action Realty LTD.⁠
(250) 262-7496

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